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Section outline


    • Titulación: Grado en Marketing (Inglés). (Campus de Vicálvaro)
    • Metodología: Aplicación de técnicas de clase invertida para resolución de problemas
    • Docente: Luis Matosas

      The leasing contract is the formula typically used, by companies of all kinds, when constituting the fleets of commercial vehicles that their sales team will use.

      This activity aims to complete the amortization table of the leasing contract used for the constitution of the fleet of vehicles of the sales team of our company.

      The student, besides calculating the interest rate, must also calculate the values of the all the concepts in these amortization tables for the 48 payment periods contemplated in the contract.


      Microsoft Excel technical functionalities that must be used during the activity.

      • Absolute references
      • Relative references
      • Financial functions
      • Conditional formats

      Estimated time to complete the activity

      • 1 hour


      • Step 1.- The student must watch the video tutorial provided (Video_Leasing for the acquisition of commercial vehicles (sales team)).

      • Step 2.- The student, using the auxiliary file provided (File_Leasing for the acquisition of commercial vehicles (sales team)), must carry out the appropriate calculations to complete the amortization table, also applying the visualization options required to see the evolution of the concepts of: Interest per payment, Main capital per payment, Pending capital, and Amortized capital so far.

      • Step 3.- Come back to Aula Virtual to complete the submission of your file with the solution in the Submission Section enable for that purpose in the tab “Otros Recursos”.

    • STEP 1:

    • STEP 2:

    • STEP 3:

      To be completed in Aula Virtual.